Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Since the last post, I have moved back to my former town. My place is teeny but that is okay. I have too much stuff. I went through my storage space and took 2 TRUCKLOADS to the ARC, which is a local thrift store. I volunteered at some DNC functions and tooled around feeling the love in Denver before I moved.
I am loving the last Farmer's Markets and the organic peaches. I just froze a half a box. I can now ride my bike around instead of driving which I LOOOOOVE. There was a local bike and I ran into my oncologist who moved from Denver to a town about an hour and a half away. I informed him of my move and being uninsurable. He introduced me to a woman who runs his cancer center and she said "No problem, we can see you." And gave me her card. I cannot express what a relief that is to me.

And next week, I drive to Denver to attend a function at the Governor's mansion. We are trying to expand the eligibility for Medicaid for women with breast cancer. I am going to introduce the state representative who sponsored our last Bill. More on her later, my personal jury is still out on that one.

Life is swinging along.

1 comment:

CatBoy said...

I'm glad the move was not too stressful, and that you are enjoying your new/old digs.

Even a small suburban (such as mine) farmers' market is better than the grocery store.