Thursday, January 17, 2008

Treat Exercise Like A Term Paper....Guilt and Cram

My New Year's challenge to myself was to sign up for a group called CWW or Colorado Wild Women. I am not a joiner, especially of an all women group, (In college, my friends and I saw frats and sororities as something for the deeply uncool and insecure ,well.....that and I couldn't exactly smoke bong hits all day in one of those places now could I) but guilt is a big motivator and if I have to answer to someone for my exercise habits, I am more likely to do the actual exercise.
I have a strange but not uncommon, lingering result of my cancer and that is lymphedema in my arm. Primarily my hand. I had all my lymph nodes removed in my right arm which means that if I get an infection, bug bit, scratch, burn, carry grocery bags, etc, I am apt to have a reaction. The lymph system is not there to drain anything. I am trying to nip it in the bud before I become the person I freaked out on in the medical journals,,,,hellooooo elephantitus? I went to the hospital for my lymphatic massage which is MUCH more pleasant than it sounds. The PT wrapped my arm and I go back twice a week for 3 weeks to see how it works. I am currently attempting to type using my left thumb for the space bar instead of the right one. Doctor's orders.
I am terrified that I am going to go to the first day of training and realize that I am completely out of shape and I am going to get my ass kicked.
So I went to the park, cranked up The Clash on my Ipod and hoofed it for an hour hard in the balmy 7 degrees. Listening to "London's Burning" makes me realize that my youth was most certainly not misspent, but it was completely fantastic and I wouldn't change a thing. I then signed up at the gym and start panic swimming tomorrow.

Friday, January 11, 2008

I have square eyes....

I have become completely obsessed with watching movies online for free. This is my pattern often. I find something and go nuts over it until I burn out and Voila----no mo. When I learned to play Solitaire in 6th grade, I kind of went crazy and played NON-STOP. Before school, after school until soccer, rush home and play until dinner, then play until bed. After 6 days, one of my sisters said she was going to kill me if I shuffled one more time. I was using the felt back of a wooden chess board as my surface and it was really loud but I like the loud drumming sound. Under pain of death from my sisters and brother, and them telling my Mom that I needed to go to the Doctor because clearly something was wrong with me, and parental threats....I just stopped. But I have done the same thing with the NY Times crossword puzzle in high school. And then for Xmas one year, my brother, as sort of a joke, gave me a battery operated little Yatzee with a card saying "Hour and hours of comariffic fun". Yes, I had been through a Yatzee phase at some point but this was just me and the machine, baby.
That thing was my pain and my pleasure. I would dream of dice combos. It was so stupid but I could NOT stop. Well, that thing got me through an 18 hour train ride in Peru, a 22 hour bus/ferry/train combo in Java, and a bone crushing 9 hour car ride on a single track road on the Pakistan/India border. It is like meditation for idiots.

This online movie thing has got me semi-hooked. I can't get that hooked because I do actually have a life AND I would go blind watching the small screen. I watched "Before The Devil Knows You're Dead"...anything with Philip Seymour Hoffman is good with me. I started watching "No Country For Old Men" but Javier in the Dutch Boy hair cut really deserves the big screen. So I have watched a lot of movies and will be back when I refocus.

I have signed up with a group that trains you to do a mini-triathlon in 5 months anad it starts in a week so I that should nip it in the bud. Except that I found a site that has all the West Wing Episodes and I LOVE that show.

I am totally boring but I sort of don't care.

Here are the movie sites: