Saturday, June 30, 2007

Ignoring Cancer Doesn't Really Work

After avoiding the subject of cancer for a good month or so, I was hoping to really not think about it but sadly, it is impossible. I attended the funeral of a young, sweet, amazing, 34 year old mother of two this week who was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 years ago. She was a marathon runner, a nurse, a wife, a sister, a daughter and she lost her battle.

I got so angry at the priest saying "This should be a day of celebration-she has gone to be with her Holy Father" , Yeah-he's pushing 65 and has no kids. I promise you her kids are not celebrating, you insensitive ass. He had never met her yet felt he could say these things. Ugh.

I attended the funeral with a few other young survivors, a couple who are Stage IV and it shook them to their core, I am sure.

I am glad you are out of pain, Christina and I hope your wonderful spirit lives on in your children.

Cancer sucks.