Sunday, April 20, 2008

Here I go again.....

I was very much on the fence about going to DC this year to lobby with the NBCC and was heavily towards not going. I just want to BE, not be sad about the women who have died this year because of the disease, I am sick of being sad about it. And I have pretty much let it all go BUT.......I have been given so much information about breast cancer and the legislation that will help make a difference and it has come from SUCH passionate people that I just don't want to let anyone down. So, I head there in Wed. for a short visit with my London roomie in Arlington, and then 5 solid days of brain cramming info and getting fired up to go to the Hill and let my state Representatives exactly what I expect from them, being that they do work for us. But I am also reserving the right to leave a plenary session if I start getting overwhelmed, and go swimming in the hotel pool.
Last year, my roommate, a fellow young Survivor from Colorado, and I were given the task of being Team leaders. Sounds nebulous, unless you don't want to appear an idiot. A team leader takes about 4 others with her to the given appointments with the State Senator or Congressman and leads the discussion. You must know all about the piece of legislation for which you are asking support, and be able to answer questions. This year we are pushing for a new framework for Healthcare for All. I stayed up until 2:00 am last year trying to get all the Bills down, and how we managed to get 220 million out of the DOD, etc...I wanted to be confident when I went in that I wasn't talking out of my ass. It was great, and I washappy about how well it went but I was EXHAUSTED afterwards. And this year will be no different.

We do not wear pink ribbons, we do not want pity, we want action in the form of legislation to further better and more effective research. We want equal access to quality healthcare for all. We want politicians who want the same things.

I can't tell you how many offices I have been in where the Politician will say "But I did the Race For the Cure." Bully for you, do you know where their money goes?

See? I'm getting fired up already. Pink sucks, as does cancer.

I will absolutely go to the Hirschhorn Museum, a personal fave, and do my annual bike ride around the memorials. And check out the Dogwood blossoms-so beautiful.

Wish me luck and a few Zen moments.