Monday, September 17, 2007

Unmitigated Gall

I am quite out spoken on certain issues and speak my mind freely-maybe too freely on occasion-but after tomorrow I will no longer have the gall that I have enjoyed.
I went to the Dr. and the surgeon today who agreed that the gall bladder is being evicted. The date they gave me was October 4th. I hate waiting and especially for something I just want to get over. The surgeon then mentioned that there was a cancellation earlier......tomorrow. Like a gal who can't take her hair cut one more day and must get into the salon...I am losing my gall bladder tomorrow. No time to stew, no time to type up an Ebay description and see what I could get for it, just show up and wave it bye bye. I have had more than my share of surgeries in the past few years and am not worried in the slightest. I am, however, hoping it weighs 10 pounds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to read about the gall of your gall bladder and how it went horribly awry.